Publications in JCI insight and Communications Biology

The roles of the locus coeruleus and the thalamus in our sleep and brain stimulation


Studies conducted by researchers at the University of Liège GIGA Institute, using ultra-high field 7 Tesla MRI, provide a better understanding of how sleep is regulated and how light stimulates our brain. These discoveries are the subject of two publications in JCI insight and Communications Biology.

A blue stain linked to sleep

We've known for a long time that sleep is good for the brain. We also know that light is not just for seeing, but also plays an essential role in other aspects, such as mood. What we don't know is how all this happens in our brains. Two separate studies, carried out by researchers at the University of Liège using the 7 Tesla MRI on the GIGA-Centre de Recherche du Cyclotron platform, offer the premises of an explanation.  

A scientific team from the ULiège Cyclotron Research Centre /In Vivo Imaging (GIGA-CRC-IVI) has just demonstrated that the quality of our REM sleep (the part of sleep during which we dream the most) is linked to the activity of the locus coeruleus. This tiny brain nucleus, the size of a 2cm-long spaghetti, is located at the base of the brain (in the brainstem). The locus coeruleus - Latin for "blue spot" - owes its name to its colour when observed in autopsy. It projects to just about every brain area (and to the spinal cord) to secrete a neuromodulator called noradrenaline. Noradrenaline is not only important for stimulating neurons and keeping them awake but also for a whole series of cognitive processes, such as memory, emotional processing, stress and anxiety. Its stimulating activity must diminish to initiate sleep and stop to allow REM sleep. This allows REM sleep to work without noradrenaline, sorting out the synapses that need to be retained or eliminated during sleep and enabling a new day, full of new experiences," explains Gilles Vandewalle, FNRS researcher and co-director of the GIGA CRC-IVI.

Animal research has already shown that the functioning of this small nucleus is essential for sleep, but also for wakefulness. In humans, little has been verified because the small size of the nucleus and its deep position make it difficult to observe it in vivo with conventional MRI,” explains Ekaterina Koshmanova, a researcher in the laboratory and first author of the article published in JCI Insight (1). Thanks to the higher resolution of 7 Tesla MRI, we were able to isolate the nucleus and extract its activity during a simple cognitive task during wakefulness, and thus show that the more reactive our locus coeruleus is during the day, the poorer the perceived quality of our sleep and the less intense our REM sleep”. This seems to be particularly true with advancing age, as this effect was only detected in the individuals aged between 50 and 70 included in the study and not in young adults aged between 18 and 30. This finding could explain why some people become progressively insomniac with age. These initial results also lay the foundations for future studies on the activity of this small nucleus during sleep and the role it could play in insomnia and in the link between sleep and Alzheimer's disease.

A network that spreads light in our brain

At the same time, the same research team tried to understand better how light stimulates our cognition. Light acts like a cup of coffee and helps keep us awake. That's why we recommend not using too much light on our smartphones and tablets in the evening. This can disrupt our sleep. On the other hand, the same light can help us during the day.  Many studies have shown that good lighting can help students in schools, hospital staff and patients, and company employees. It's the blue part of light that's most effective for this, as we have blue light detectors in our eyes that tell our brains about the quality and quantity of light around us.

VANDEWALLE Lumiere sommeil image

Parietal (A) and thalamic (B) regions involved in the more complex auditory cognitive task while participants were illuminated in 7T MRI. On the right, reconstruction of the time course of the activity during the 25 min of the recording.(C) Location of different nuclei of the thalamus and area of the thalamus used for the analysis. It is this latter area that receives the light information and modifies the activity of the parietal region.

Once again, the brain regions responsible for this stimulating impact of light (also known as the 'non-visual' impact of light) are not well known. "They are small and located in the subcortical part of the brain," explains Ilenia Paparella, FNRS doctoral student in the laboratory and first author of the article published in Communications Biology (2). The team of researchers from the GIGA-CRC-IVI was once again able to take advantage of the higher resolution of 7 Tesla MRI to show that the thalamus, a subcortical region located just below the corpus callosum (that connects our two hemispheres), plays a role in relaying non-visual light information to the parietal cortex in an area known to control attention levels. "We knew of its important role in vision, but its role in non-visual aspects was not yet certain. With this study, we have demonstrated that the thalamus stimulates the parietal regions and not the other way around, as we might have thought."

These new advances in our knowledge of the role of the thalamus will ultimately enable us to propose lighting solutions that will help cognition when we need to be fully awake and focused, or that will contribute to better sleep through relaxing light. 

Scientific references

 (1) Ekaterina Koshmanova1, Alexandre Berger1,2,3, Elise Beckers1,4, Islay Campbell1, Nasrin Mortazavi1, Roya Sharifpour1, Ilenia Paparella1, Fermin Balda1, Christian Berthomier5, Christian Degueldre1, Eric Salmon1,6,7, Laurent Lamalle1, Christine Bastin1,7, Maxime Van Egroo4, Christophe Phillips1,8, Pierre Maquet1,6, Fabienne Collette1,7, Vincenzo Muto1, Daphne Chylinski1, Heidi IL Jacobs4,9, Puneet Talwar1, Siya Sherif1, Gilles Vandewalle1, Locus Coeruleus activity while awake is associated with REM sleep quality in older individuals, JCI insight, doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.172008

1 Sleep and Chronobiology Lab, GIGA-Institute, CRC-In Vivo Imaging Unit, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium.

2 Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS), Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Brussels, Belgium

3 Synergia Medical SA, Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium

4 Alzheimer Centre Limburg, School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.

5 Physip, Paris, France.

6 Neurology Department, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

7 PsyNCog, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium

8 In silico medicine unit, GIGA-Institute, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium.

9 Gordon Center for Medical Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

(2) Ilenia Paparella1, Islay Campbell1, Roya Sharifpour1, Elise Beckers1,2, Alexandre Berger1,3,4, Jose Fermin Balda Aizpurua1, Ekaterina Koshmanova1, Nasrin Mortazavi1, Puneet Talwar1, Christian Degueldre1, Laurent Lamalle1, Siya Sherif1, Christophe Phillips1, Pierre Maquet1,5, Gilles Vandewalle1, Light modulates task-dependent thalamo-cortical connectivity during an auditory attentional task, Communications Biology, doi: 10.1038/s42003-023-05337-5.

1 Sleep and Chronobiology Lab, GIGA-Institute, CRC-In Vivo Imaging Unit, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium.

2 Alzheimer Centre Limburg, School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, The Netherlands.

3 Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS), Université Catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Brussels, Belgium.

4 Synergia Medical SA, Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium.

5 Neurology Department, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège, Liège, Belgium

Your contacts at ULiège

Ilenia Paparella

Ekaterina Koshmanova

Gilles Vandewalle

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